
BurgerI never really got into the whole new year’s resolution thing. I’ve always been a man of patterns, and little change. I like what I like, love what I love and do what I do. Something happened a few years ago. Watching my Dad struggle with COPD, it hit me just how hard our choices today affect us tomorrow.

So 2 years ago, I said I would stop smoking. I started snus, smokeless and spitless tobacco, and gave up cigarettes. It was hard. at first I wanted to cry, a lot. But I did what I had always said was impossible, I didn’t smoke. God had granted me the power to outlast the urges. Last year I said that I was going to give up nicotine. No more Snus. I had walked with that crutch long enough. Once again, with some very real tears, a strong supporting family and a God that is stronger than all addictions, I sat the can down and haven’t looked back. Thank you Jesus.

So all year, I’ve been telling people how great it is to live addiction free, denying what I know is true, not letting out my big secret. I still have a huge addiction. It’s absolutley as strong as, if not stronger than my addiction to drugs and cigarettes ever was. It’s been with me since middle school. And no one has ever tried to stop me, no cops at school program for this one, nope. This is the big one.


I don’t like food, I don’t. I LOVE it. It’s a part of all the great Holidays, It’s represented wonderful times with my family, It makes me feel better when I’m sick. It has either brought me happiness and joy, or been a part of the times with people that did. And the worse it was for me the more I loved it. Meat and 3 veg? Pfssssssssst, lets go get fast food. And cokes. And dessert.

And so now here I stand, looking at a reflection that I loathe. There is no dislike in me, I’m not “unhappy” with my appearance. I HATE what I look like, I’m appalled, I’ve fixed it by not looking in mirrors, and that’s sad.This is not the dad I want my kids to have. This is not the husband i want to be. Don’t get me wrong, I am a very happy man, I just avoid a mirror at all costs.

So I need another change. I need to walk down the path of bettering myself once more, but I need help. And that’s what this blog is. It’s my accountability partner . You, dear reader, are my plan for support, encouragement, and accountability if I fall. Tomorrow I will post my weight, my diet plan, little extreme as I plan to reboot the system with at least a 10 day juice fast, and my daily exercise and food consumption. I want followers, on here and in my everyday life. People to ask me how I’m doing, to ask where my daily posting is. Someone to look at what I’m did that day and say “good job”, or “jeeze man, you really think that’s going to help you?”

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